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Get a GPU machine on Brev 🤙

In this guide, you'll learn how to get your own GPU machine in the cloud using NVIDIA Brev to build, run, and test your own models.

What is Brev?

NVIDIA Brev is a cloud service that offers GPU machines for rent on demand. They come preconfigured with Docker and NVIDIA drivers, which makes them a great fit for working with Cog.

Brev connects to multiple cloud providers like GCP, AWS, Lambda Labs, and others to find the right type of GPU for the best price possible.

Brev is a developer-friendly tool with a command line interface that makes it easy to create and manage your GPU machines.

Do you even need a GPU?

You can build and push most Cog models from machines that don't have GPUs, like your laptop, or a GitHub Actions runner.

This guide helps when you need to iterate on your model and run it as you make code changes, before you push it to Replicate. For that, you'll usually need a GPU development environment.

Step 1: Sign up for Brev

To get started, go to console.brev.dev and sign up for an account.

Creating an account is free, and Brev has simple pricing: Only pay for what you use.

Step 2: Install the Brev CLI

Install the Brev CLI using Homebrew with the following command:

brew install brevdev/homebrew-brev/brev

.You can create and manage instances using the Brev website, but this guide uses the CLI for the sake of "brev"ity. (Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

Step 3: Log in to Brev

Use the CLI to log in to Brev:

brev login

This will prompt you to open a link in your browser to authenticate with Brev.

Step 4: Create an instance

Now that you've logged in, create an instance and give it a name:

brev create my-dev-box \ 
  --gpu fancy-gpu

You should see output like the following:

$ brev create my-dev-box
Creating instance my-dev-box in org bapj27zsc
	name my-dev-box
	GPU instance n1-highmem-4:nvidia-tesla-t4:1
	Cloud GCP
⡿ Creating your instance. Hang tight 🤙
⣟ Instance is deploying 
Your instance is ready!
Connect to the instance:
	brev open my-dev-box	# brev open <NAME> -> open instance in VS Code
	brev shell my-dev-box	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into instance (shortcut)

Step 5: Shell into your instance

Now that you've created your instance, you can access it as a shell:

brev shell my-dev-box

This will open a new terminal session that is SSH connected to your GPU instance.

Step 6: Install Cog

Cog is Replicate's open-source tool that makes it easy to put a machine learning model in a Docker container.

Install the Cog CLI on your Brev instance:

sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/cog -L https://github.com/replicate/cog/releases/latest/download/cog_`uname -s`_`uname -m`
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cog

Step 7: Run an existing Cog model

To verify that your new instance is working properly, you can run a prediction on an existing model on Replicate.

Run the following command in the terminal to download the fofr/sdxl-emoji model and run it locally on your new instance to generate an emoji of the shaka symbol, AKA the "call me hand": 🤙

cog predict r8.im/fofr/sdxl-emoji@sha256:dee76b5afde21b0f01ed7925f0665b7e879c50ee718c5f78a9d38e04d523cc5e \
  -i 'width=1024' \
  -i 'height=1024' \
  -i 'prompt="A TOK emoji of a hand doing the shaka symbol, AKA call me hand"'

If you see successful output from this task, you've made great progress!

  • Docker is installed and configured properly
  • NVIDIA CUDA drivers are installed
  • Cog works
  • Your instance is really fast!

Step 8: Create a model

Now that you know Cog is working, create a new model from scratch:

mkdir my-model && cd my-model
cog init

This will output something like the following:

Setting up the current directory for use with Cog...
✅ Created my-cog-model/cog.yaml
✅ Created my-cog-model/predict.py
✅ Created my-cog-model/.dockerignore
✅ Created my-cog-model/.github/workflows/push.yaml

If you're new to creating models on Replicate, check out the guide to push your first Cog model.

Step 9: Edit model code in your IDE

Brev can open your cloud instance in VS Code Remote, Cursor, or your favorite IDE. This lets you search and edit all the files on your Brev instance as if they were on your local machine:

Use brev open to open your instance in your editor:

brev open my-dev-box

In your editor, overwrite the predict.py file with the following code and save it:

from cog import BasePredictor, Input
class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def setup(self):
        self.prefix = "hello"
    def predict(self, text: str = Input(description="Text to prefix with 'hello '")) -> str:
        return self.prefix + " " + text

Step 10: Run your model

Now that you've made some changes to your model code, run it with Cog using existing Brev shell session, or the built-in terminal if you're using VS Code or Cursor:

cd my-model
cog predict -i text="world"

You should see output like the following:

hello world

Step 11: Celebrate

You've just built an AI model on a GPU instance in the cloud!

You also have a fast and flexible cloud environment for iterating on your model and testing it before pushing it to Replicate.

Happy hacking! ✨🤙✨


  • Install JupyterLab on your instance to view output files and run models interactively.
  • Increase disk storage on your Brev instance by moving your home directory to an ephemeral disk.
  • Update your NVIDIA CUDA drivers to the latest version if it's needed for your model.
  • Change the GPU and memory configuration or your existing instance using the Brev web console.
  • Use brev ls to list your instances. This is handy if you forget what you named your new instance!
  • Remember to brev stop your instance when you're not using it to avoid incurring charges.